Get to know GitHub

Reproducible Research Data and Project Management in R

Dr Anna Krystallli


GitHub features

Back up and sync through the cloud

Image: Jessica Lord, 2013 BSD

Image: Jessica Lord, 2013 BSD

Fork and contribute to other’s work

Image: Jessica Lord, 2013 BSD

Image: Jessica Lord, 2013 BSD

GitHub for science

  • ideal for managing the full suite of research outputs such as datasets, statistical code, figures, lab notes, and manuscripts.
  • supports peer review, commenting, and discussion.
  • Diverse range of efforts, from individual to large bioinformatics projects, laboratory repositories, as well as global collaborations have found a home on GitHub

Remote repositories

centralising information e.g. weecology / “Nine simple ways to make it easier to (re)use your data” paper | Repo


Traceability. Entire process of project evolution reproducible.



Project management


Practical: Github & Rstudio for collaborative coding


Beak and skull shapes in birds of prey (“raptors”) are strongly coupled and largely controlled by size.

  • In this exercise, each participant will fork a github repo, and contribute a file required to simulate the evolutionary trajectory of an imaginary species’ body size.

  • We’ll use github to collate all species files and plot them all up together at the end! We’ll also discover the skull and beak shapes associated with each simulated species size.

Enter Practical

See Collaborative Report

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