Project Data, Structure & Paths

Project Management

Project Aims & Objectives


Before we begin, let’s clarify the aims of the project and learning objectives rest of the workshop.

Project Aim

We’ll be working with a subset of data from the NEON Woody plant vegetation survey. The aim of the project is to combine multiple files into a single analytical dataset and explore the data through visualisation and basic analysis.

Project Objectives

  1. The nature of the data, which is spread across multiple files and tables with a lot of extraneous information, provides us a more realistic opportunity to practice what 50-80% of data analysis and modeling work actually is: data cleaning, combining and munging! From our raw data, the aim is to produce a clean analytical dataset using a reproducible R script.

  2. Once we’ve produced our analytical data, we’ll move on to explore our data through visualisation using ggplot2 and perform some very basic analysis.

  3. We’ll finally bring it all together, code, narrative, data and plots in scientific report generation with Quarto.

Project Data

We’re in our new project so the first thing we need to do is get the data we’ll be working with. This is a common start to any project where you start with a few data files. These might be generated through your own data collection, given to you by others or published data products and you might need to clean, wrangle and combine them together to perform your analysis.

Q: Where should I save my raw data files?

conventions: Data management

  1. Store raw data in data-raw/: raw inputs to any pre-processing, read only.
  • Keep any processing scripts in the same folder
  • Whether and where you publish data depends on size and copyright considerations.
  1. Store analytical data in data/: any clean, processed data that is used as the input to the analysis.
  • Should be published along side analysis.

Setting up a data-raw/ directory

We start by creating a data-raw directory in the root of our project. We can use usethis function usethis::use_data_raw(). This creates the data-raw directory and an .R script within where we can save code that turns raw data into analytical data in the data/ folder.

We can supply a name for the analytical dataset we’ll be creating in our script which automatically names the .R script for easy provenance tracking. In this case, we’ll be calling it individual.csv so let’s use "individual" for our name.

usethis::use_data_raw(name = "individual")
✔ Setting active project to '/cloud/project'
✔ Creating 'data-raw/'
✔ Adding '^data-raw$' to '.Rbuildignore'
✔ Writing 'data-raw/individual.R'
• Modify 'data-raw/individual.R'
• Finish the data preparation script in 'data-raw/individual.R'
• Use `usethis::use_data()` to add prepared data to package

The data-raw/individual.R script created contains:

## code to prepare `individual` dataset goes here

usethis::use_data(individual, overwrite = TRUE)

We will use this file to perform the necessary preprocessing on our raw data.

However, in the mean time we will also be experimenting with code and copying code over to our individual.R script when we are happy with it. so let’s create a new R script to work in.

File > New File > R script

Let’s save this file in a new folder called attic/ and save it as file development.R.

Let’s work in development.R for now.

Download data

Now that we’ve got our data-raw folder, let’s download our data into it using function usethis::use_course() and supplying it with the url to the materials repository ( and the path to the directory we want the materials saved into ("data-raw").

           destdir = "data-raw")
 Downloading from ''
Downloaded: 7.61 MB  
 Download stored in 'data-raw/'
 Unpacking ZIP file into 'wood-survey-data-master/' (77 files extracted)
Shall we delete the ZIP file ('')?

1: Nope
2: No way
3: I agree

Selection: 3
 Deleting ''


The downloaded folder contains a subset of data from the NEON Woody plant vegetation survey.

Citation: National Ecological Observatory Network. 2020. Data Products: DP1.10098.001. Provisional data downloaded from on 2020-01-15. Battelle, Boulder, CO, USA

This data product was downloaded from the NEON data portal and contains quality-controlled data from in-situ measurements of live and standing dead woody individuals and shrub groups, from all terrestrial NEON sites with qualifying woody vegetation.

Surveys of each site are completed once every 3 years.

Let’s have a look at what we’ve downloaded:

├── R
├── data-raw
│   ├── individual.R
│   └── wood-survey-data-master
│       ├── NEON_vst_variables.csv
│       ├──
│       ├── individual [67 entries exceeds filelimit, not opening dir]
│       ├── methods
│       │   ├── NEON.DOC.000914vB.pdf
│       │   ├── NEON.DOC.000987vH.pdf
│       │   └── NEON_vegStructure_userGuide_vA.pdf
│       ├── vst_mappingandtagging.csv
│       └── vst_perplotperyear.csv
└── wood-survey.Rproj

The important files for the analysis we want to perform are

├── individual [67 entries exceeds filelimit, not opening dir]
├── vst_mappingandtagging.csv
└── vst_perplotperyear.csv

vst_perplotperyear: Plot level metadata, including plot geolocation.

  • one record per plotID per eventID,
  • describe the presence/absence of woody growth forms
  • sampling area utilized for each growth form.
uid plotID plotType nlcdClass decimalLatitude decimalLongitude geodeticDatum easting northing utmZone elevation elevationUncertainty eventID
93ee1436-cdd8-40bd-96c4-0585f36b904f BART_002 distributed deciduousForest 44.03508 -71.27285 WGS84 317882.0 4878281 19N 550.8 0.4 vst_BART_2016
4b5f972f-d00f-4766-b7d7-ae488e058416 BART_003 distributed deciduousForest 44.05525 -71.26315 WGS84 318720.5 4880500 19N 439.5 0.3 vst_BART_2016
66594b70-4db4-4005-bfc8-e42a1bdba15d BART_006 distributed deciduousForest 44.06051 -71.31091 WGS84 314911.2 4881190 19N 432.7 0.2 vst_BART_2016
730098e8-30a7-4b7a-a5ee-fde5318cc416 BART_007 distributed mixedForest 44.04970 -71.29849 WGS84 315873.0 4879961 19N 388.4 0.2 vst_BART_2016
07c96abe-6d78-4818-8b2e-f33fac4d06b5 BART_010 distributed deciduousForest 44.05007 -71.26668 WGS84 318422.2 4879932 19N 430.2 0.2 vst_BART_2016
557410ec-351d-4348-97e5-6dc0625c4f03 BART_011 distributed mixedForest 44.05001 -71.29627 WGS84 316051.2 4879991 19N 370.1 0.2 vst_BART_2016

vst_mappingandtagging: Mapping, identifying and tagging of individual stems for re-measurement.

  • one record per individualID.
  • data invariant through time, including tagID, taxonID and mapped location.
  • Records can be linked to vst_perplotperyear via the plotID and eventID fields.
uid eventID pointID stemDistance stemAzimuth individualID taxonID scientificName taxonRank
3a4301d5-8ff1-491f-bba7-e0a595ece6af vst_BART_2015 43 13.1 341.7 NEON.PLA.D01.BART.00101 ACRU Acer rubrum L. species
229a8489-dfef-4a50-9c2b-9bb4d614173e vst_BART_2015 61 1.2 206.2 NEON.PLA.D01.BART.00102 ACRU Acer rubrum L. species
27712596-d6d2-44e4-a462-cbdedef8a408 vst_BART_2015 61 4.6 288.9 NEON.PLA.D01.BART.00103 FAGR Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. species
de648865-7d18-4a48-96ec-99265dc653ad vst_BART_2015 57 30.3 94.7 NEON.PLA.D01.BART.00106 FAGR Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. species
04c88265-7e34-4fd7-89ec-dc30a513c265 vst_BART_2015 57 30.6 92.8 NEON.PLA.D01.BART.00107 FAGR Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. species
ff9975c3-c068-4d48-a27b-5175783d91f6 vst_BART_2015 43 2.2 92.3 NEON.PLA.D01.BART.00108 FAGR Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. species

vst_apparentindividual: Biomass and productivity measurements of apparent individuals.

  • includes biomass, productivity and other measurements.
  • may contain multiple records per individuals but only one record per individualID per eventID.
  • includes growth form, structure
  • currently in separate files contained in individual/
  • may be linked to:
    • vst_mappingandtagging records via individualID
    • vst_perplotperyear via the plotID and eventID fields.
uid namedLocation date eventID domainID siteID plotID individualID growthForm stemDiameter measurementHeight height
a36a162d-ed1f-4f80-ae45-88e973855c68 BART_037.basePlot.vst 2015-08-26 vst_BART_2015 D01 BART BART_037 NEON.PLA.D01.BART.05285 single bole tree 17.1 130 15.2
68dc7adf-48e2-4f7a-9272-9a468fde6d55 BART_037.basePlot.vst 2015-08-26 vst_BART_2015 D01 BART BART_037 NEON.PLA.D01.BART.05279 single bole tree 13.7 130 9.8
a8951ab9-4462-48dd-ab9e-7b89e24f2e03 BART_044.basePlot.vst 2015-08-26 vst_BART_2015 D01 BART BART_044 NEON.PLA.D01.BART.05419 single bole tree 12.3 130 7.7
eb348eaf-3969-46a4-ac3b-523c3548efeb BART_044.basePlot.vst 2015-08-26 vst_BART_2015 D01 BART BART_044 NEON.PLA.D01.BART.05092 single bole tree 12.1 130 15.2
2a4478ef-5970-40b6-b696-d1167cbe42ac BART_044.basePlot.vst 2015-08-26 vst_BART_2015 D01 BART BART_044 NEON.PLA.D01.BART.05443 single bole tree 29.2 130 16.7
e485203e-879e-4b56-b13a-0a6a56f0040f BART_044.basePlot.vst 2015-08-26 vst_BART_2015 D01 BART BART_044 NEON.PLA.D01.BART.05432 single bole tree 12.1 130 10.6

As our first challenge, we are going to combined all the files in individual/ into a single analytical data file!


First let’s investigate our data. We want to access the files so we need to give R paths in order to load the data. We can work with the file system programmatically through R.

Creating portable paths with here

We’ll use the here package and function here() to create paths relative to the project root directory.

This is a good practice as it makes our code portable and independent of the where code is evaluated or saved.


What you never want to do is hard code paths in your code. This makes your code non-portable and can lead to errors when sharing code or moving code to a different machine or to a different location within a project.

Let’s start by creating a path to the downloaded data directory using here.

To create relative paths to files or directories with here() we provide character strings separated by commas that represent the path to the file or directory.

raw_data_path <- here::here("data-raw", "wood-survey-data-master")
[1] "/cloud/project/data-raw/wood-survey-data-master"

We can use raw_data_path as our basis for specifying paths to files within it. There’s a number of ways we can do this in R but I wanted to introduce you to package fs. It has a nice interface and extensive functionality for working with your file system programmatically.

fs::path(raw_data_path, "individual")

Let’s now use function dir_ls to get a character vector of paths to all the individual files in directory individual.

individual_paths <- fs::dir_ls(fs::path(raw_data_path, "individual"))

We can check how many files we’ve got:

[1] 67

We can now** use this vector of paths to read in files. Let’s read the first file in and check it out.** We use function read_csv() from readr package which reads comma delimited files into tibbles.

indiv_df <- readr::read_csv(individual_paths[1])
Rows: 376 Columns: 12
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ","
chr  (8): uid, namedLocation, eventID, domainID, siteID, plotID, individualI...
dbl  (3): stemDiameter, measurementHeight, height
date (1): date

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
# A tibble: 376 × 12
   uid      namedLocation date       eventID domainID siteID plotID individualID
   <chr>    <chr>         <date>     <chr>   <chr>    <chr>  <chr>  <chr>       
 1 a36a162… BART_037.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 2 68dc7ad… BART_037.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 3 a8951ab… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 4 eb348ea… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 5 2a4478e… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 6 e485203… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 7 280c904… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 8 0e5060e… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 9 4918cac… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
10 ef16cb9… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
# ℹ 366 more rows
# ℹ 4 more variables: growthForm <chr>, stemDiameter <dbl>,
#   measurementHeight <dbl>, height <dbl>

Run ?read_delim for more details on reading in tabular data.

Basic checks

Let’s perform some of the basic checks we learnt before we proceed.


 [1] "uid"               "namedLocation"     "date"             
 [4] "eventID"           "domainID"          "siteID"           
 [7] "plotID"            "individualID"      "growthForm"       
[10] "stemDiameter"      "measurementHeight" "height"           
spc_tbl_ [376 × 12] (S3: spec_tbl_df/tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
 $ uid              : chr [1:376] "a36a162d-ed1f-4f80-ae45-88e973855c68" "68dc7adf-48e2-4f7a-9272-9a468fde6d55" "a8951ab9-4462-48dd-ab9e-7b89e24f2e03" "eb348eaf-3969-46a4-ac3b-523c3548efeb" ...
 $ namedLocation    : chr [1:376] "BART_037.basePlot.vst" "BART_037.basePlot.vst" "BART_044.basePlot.vst" "BART_044.basePlot.vst" ...
 $ date             : Date[1:376], format: "2015-08-26" "2015-08-26" ...
 $ eventID          : chr [1:376] "vst_BART_2015" "vst_BART_2015" "vst_BART_2015" "vst_BART_2015" ...
 $ domainID         : chr [1:376] "D01" "D01" "D01" "D01" ...
 $ siteID           : chr [1:376] "BART" "BART" "BART" "BART" ...
 $ plotID           : chr [1:376] "BART_037" "BART_037" "BART_044" "BART_044" ...
 $ individualID     : chr [1:376] "NEON.PLA.D01.BART.05285" "NEON.PLA.D01.BART.05279" "NEON.PLA.D01.BART.05419" "NEON.PLA.D01.BART.05092" ...
 $ growthForm       : chr [1:376] "single bole tree" "single bole tree" "single bole tree" "single bole tree" ...
 $ stemDiameter     : num [1:376] 17.1 13.7 12.3 12.1 29.2 12.1 23.4 39.5 10 10.6 ...
 $ measurementHeight: num [1:376] 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 ...
 $ height           : num [1:376] 15.2 9.8 7.7 15.2 16.7 10.6 18.4 19 5.7 8.7 ...
 - attr(*, "spec")=
  .. cols(
  ..   uid = col_character(),
  ..   namedLocation = col_character(),
  ..   date = col_date(format = ""),
  ..   eventID = col_character(),
  ..   domainID = col_character(),
  ..   siteID = col_character(),
  ..   plotID = col_character(),
  ..   individualID = col_character(),
  ..   growthForm = col_character(),
  ..   stemDiameter = col_double(),
  ..   measurementHeight = col_double(),
  ..   height = col_double()
  .. )
 - attr(*, "problems")=<externalptr> 
     uid            namedLocation           date              eventID         
 Length:376         Length:376         Min.   :2015-08-26   Length:376        
 Class :character   Class :character   1st Qu.:2015-08-27   Class :character  
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Median :2015-08-27   Mode  :character  
                                       Mean   :2015-08-27                     
                                       3rd Qu.:2015-08-31                     
                                       Max.   :2015-08-31                     
   domainID            siteID             plotID          individualID      
 Length:376         Length:376         Length:376         Length:376        
 Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
  growthForm         stemDiameter   measurementHeight     height     
 Length:376         Min.   : 2.00   Min.   : 10.0     Min.   : 0.50  
 Class :character   1st Qu.:13.90   1st Qu.:130.0     1st Qu.:10.60  
 Mode  :character   Median :20.20   Median :130.0     Median :14.30  
                    Mean   :23.01   Mean   :129.5     Mean   :13.91  
                    3rd Qu.:29.55   3rd Qu.:130.0     3rd Qu.:17.23  
                    Max.   :69.90   Max.   :130.0     Max.   :30.20  
Data summary
Name indiv_df
Number of rows 376
Number of columns 12
Column type frequency:
character 8
Date 1
numeric 3
Group variables None

Variable type: character

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate min max empty n_unique whitespace
uid 0 1.00 36 36 0 376 0
namedLocation 0 1.00 21 21 0 7 0
eventID 0 1.00 13 13 0 1 0
domainID 0 1.00 3 3 0 1 0
siteID 0 1.00 4 4 0 1 0
plotID 0 1.00 8 8 0 7 0
individualID 0 1.00 23 23 0 374 0
growthForm 3 0.99 7 16 0 4 0

Variable type: Date

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate min max median n_unique
date 0 1 2015-08-26 2015-08-31 2015-08-27 3

Variable type: numeric

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist
stemDiameter 0 1 23.01 11.22 2.0 13.9 20.2 29.55 69.9 ▆▇▃▁▁
measurementHeight 0 1 129.48 6.76 10.0 130.0 130.0 130.00 130.0 ▁▁▁▁▇
height 0 1 13.91 4.45 0.5 10.6 14.3 17.22 30.2 ▁▅▇▂▁

Update individual.R

Everything looks good. Before moving on, let’s update our individual.R script with the code we’ve just written and want to formally keep as part of out processing pipeline.

Add the following code and comments to the bottom of individual.R:

## code to prepare `individual` dataset goes here
## Setup ----

## Combine individual tables ----
# Create paths to inputs
raw_data_path <- here::here("data-raw", "wood-survey-data-master")
individual_paths <- fs::dir_ls(fs::path(raw_data_path, "individual"))

So let’s now move onto the next step of reading in all the files and combining them together. To do this, we’ll examine the principles of Iteration.

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