Joining Data

Data Munging

Let’s say our analysis requires that we can geolocate every individual in our analytic data.

As we’ve discussed, the various tables we downloaded hold different information collected during the various survey events.

Currently, only the plot is geolocated, the data being contained in vst_perplotperyear.csv columns decimalLatitude and decimalLongitude.

The location of each individual stem is defined in vst_mappingandtagging.csv.

A number of variables are involved, including:

So, to geolocate our individuals, we need to join information from vst_perplotperyear.csv and vst_mappingandtagging.csv into our individual tibble.

We use the family of *_join functions in dplyr to merge columns from different tibbles according to values in shared columns.

Join Basics

There are a number of joins we can perform with dplyr.

Let’s have a look at a few of them with a simple example using some dplyr in-built data:

# A tibble: 3 × 2
  name  band   
  <chr> <chr>  
1 Mick  Stones 
2 John  Beatles
3 Paul  Beatles
# A tibble: 3 × 2
  name  plays 
  <chr> <chr> 
1 John  guitar
2 Paul  bass  
3 Keith guitar

The only variable shared between the two tables is name so this is the only variable we can perform joins over. By default, any *_join function will try to merge on the values of any matched columns in the tables being merged.

Inner joins

band_members %>% inner_join(band_instruments)
Joining with `by = join_by(name)`
# A tibble: 2 × 3
  name  band    plays 
  <chr> <chr>   <chr> 
1 John  Beatles guitar
2 Paul  Beatles bass  

inner_join has merged all three unique columns across the two tables into a single tibble. It has only kept the rows in which name values had a match in both tables. In this case only data about John and Paul was contained in both tables.

Left joins

band_members %>% left_join(band_instruments)
Joining with `by = join_by(name)`
# A tibble: 3 × 3
  name  band    plays 
  <chr> <chr>   <chr> 
1 Mick  Stones  <NA>  
2 John  Beatles guitar
3 Paul  Beatles bass  

left_join joins on the names in the left hand table and appends any rows from the right hand table in which values in name match. In this case, there is no data for Keith in band_members so he is ignored completely. There is also no match for Mick in band_instruments so NA is returned for plays instead.

Right joins

band_members %>% right_join(band_instruments)
Joining with `by = join_by(name)`
# A tibble: 3 × 3
  name  band    plays 
  <chr> <chr>   <chr> 
1 John  Beatles guitar
2 Paul  Beatles bass  
3 Keith <NA>    guitar

right_join on the other hand joins on the name in the right hand table. In this case, Mick is dropped completely Keith gets NA for band.

band_members %>% full_join(band_instruments)
Joining with `by = join_by(name)`
# A tibble: 4 × 3
  name  band    plays 
  <chr> <chr>   <chr> 
1 Mick  Stones  <NA>  
2 John  Beatles guitar
3 Paul  Beatles bass  
4 Keith <NA>    guitar

Finally, a full_join joins on all unique values of name found across the two tables, returning NA where there are no matches between the two tables.

Joining our tables with dplyr

Join vst_mappingandtagging.csv data

Let’s start by merging data from vst_mappingandtagging.csv. Let’s read the data in.

maptag <- readr::read_csv(
  fs::path(raw_data_path, "vst_mappingandtagging.csv")

This data set contains taxonomic and within-plot location metadata on individuals collected during mapping and tagging. There is one row per individual in the data set.

[1] "uid"            "eventID"        "pointID"        "stemDistance"  
[5] "stemAzimuth"    "individualID"   "taxonID"        "scientificName"
[9] "taxonRank"     

Let’s see how many matches in column names we have between the two datasets

Challenge: Finding column name matches in two tables
names(individual)[names(individual) %in% names(maptag)]
[1] "uid"          "eventID"      "individualID"

Default left_join

Because we want to match the rest of the tables to our individual data, we use left_join() and supply individual as the first argument and maptag as the second.

individual %>%
Joining with `by = join_by(uid, eventID, individualID)`
# A tibble: 14,961 × 18
   uid      namedLocation date       eventID domainID siteID plotID individualID
   <chr>    <chr>         <date>     <chr>   <chr>    <chr>  <chr>  <chr>       
 1 a36a162… BART_037.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 2 68dc7ad… BART_037.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 3 a8951ab… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 4 eb348ea… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 5 2a4478e… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 6 e485203… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 7 280c904… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 8 0e5060e… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 9 4918cac… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
10 ef16cb9… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
# ℹ 14,951 more rows
# ℹ 10 more variables: growthForm <chr>, stemDiameter <dbl>,
#   measurementHeight <dbl>, height <dbl>, pointID <dbl>, stemDistance <dbl>,
#   stemAzimuth <dbl>, taxonID <chr>, scientificName <chr>, taxonRank <chr>

Great we have a merge!

Looks successful right? How do we really know nothing has gone wrong though?

Remember, to successfully merge the tables, the values in the columns the tables are being joined on need to have corresponding values across all join columns to be linked successfully, otherwise it will return NAs. So, although our code ran successfully, it may well not have found any matching rows in maptag to merge into individual.

To check whether things have worked, we can start with inspecting the output for the columns of interest, in this case the maptag columns we are trying to join into individual.


When working interactively and testing out pipes, you can pipe objects into View() for quick inspection. If you provide a character string as an argument, it is used as a name for the data view tab it launches

individual %>%
  dplyr::left_join(maptag) %>%

Clearly this has not worked! We need to start digging into why but we don’t want to have to keep manually checking whether it worked or not. Enter DEFENSIVE PROGRAMMING.

Defensive programming with data

As I mentioned in the Data Management Basics slides, assertr is a useful package for including validation checks in our data pipelines.

In our case, we can use assertr function assert to check that certain columns of interest (stemDistance, stemAzimuth, pointID) are joined successfully (i.e. they contain no NA values).


Note that this only works because I know for a fact that there is data available for all individuals. There may be situations in which NAs are valid missing data, in which case this would not be an appropriate test.

Let’s introduce this check into our pipeline:

individual %>%
  dplyr::left_join(maptag) %>%
  assertr::assert(assertr::not_na, stemDistance, stemAzimuth, pointID)
Joining with `by = join_by(uid, eventID, individualID)`
Column 'stemDistance' violates assertion 'not_na' 14961 times
    verb redux_fn predicate       column index value
1 assert       NA    not_na stemDistance     1    NA
2 assert       NA    not_na stemDistance     2    NA
3 assert       NA    not_na stemDistance     3    NA
4 assert       NA    not_na stemDistance     4    NA
5 assert       NA    not_na stemDistance     5    NA
  [omitted 14956 rows]

Column 'stemAzimuth' violates assertion 'not_na' 14961 times
    verb redux_fn predicate      column index value
1 assert       NA    not_na stemAzimuth     1    NA
2 assert       NA    not_na stemAzimuth     2    NA
3 assert       NA    not_na stemAzimuth     3    NA
4 assert       NA    not_na stemAzimuth     4    NA
5 assert       NA    not_na stemAzimuth     5    NA
  [omitted 14956 rows]

Column 'pointID' violates assertion 'not_na' 14961 times
    verb redux_fn predicate  column index value
1 assert       NA    not_na pointID     1    NA
2 assert       NA    not_na pointID     2    NA
3 assert       NA    not_na pointID     3    NA
4 assert       NA    not_na pointID     4    NA
5 assert       NA    not_na pointID     5    NA
  [omitted 14956 rows]
Error: assertr stopped execution

The assertr::assert function applies the predicate assertr::not_na on columns stemDistance, stemAzimuth, pointID which checks that each column does not contain NA values.

By appending it onto our pipeline, the function will through an error if the predicate assertion returns FALSE in any of the columns stemDistance, stemAzimuth, pointID. If the assertion is TRUE, the pipeline will continue as expected.

By including this check, I don’t have to guess or manually check whether the merge has been successful. The code will just error if it hasn’t 🙌.

Debugging hidden mismatches:

I’ve shown the most minimal implementation in which dplyr does a lot of the guessing for us and tries to join on all matched columns. But often, that can generate table mismatches

We know that the only column we are interested in matching on is individualID. We want to get the mapping associated with each individual, regardless of when the mapping was collected.

Let’s be specific about which variables we want to join on through argument by.

individual %>%
    by = "individualID"
  ) %>%
  assertr::assert(assertr::not_na, stemDistance, stemAzimuth, pointID)
# A tibble: 14,961 × 20
   uid.x  namedLocation date       eventID.x domainID siteID plotID individualID
   <chr>  <chr>         <date>     <chr>     <chr>    <chr>  <chr>  <chr>       
 1 a36a1… BART_037.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BART… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 2 68dc7… BART_037.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BART… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 3 a8951… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BART… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 4 eb348… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BART… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 5 2a447… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BART… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 6 e4852… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BART… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 7 280c9… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BART… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 8 0e506… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BART… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 9 4918c… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BART… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
10 ef16c… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BART… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
# ℹ 14,951 more rows
# ℹ 12 more variables: growthForm <chr>, stemDiameter <dbl>,
#   measurementHeight <dbl>, height <dbl>, uid.y <chr>, eventID.y <chr>,
#   pointID <dbl>, stemDistance <dbl>, stemAzimuth <dbl>, taxonID <chr>,
#   scientificName <chr>, taxonRank <chr>

Excellent! Our code runs and our resulting merged tibble contains data for all the variables we are interested in!

However, on closer inspection, we’ve ended up with some odd new columns, uid.x and uid.y and eventID.x and eventID.y!

That’s because those columns are also present in both our tables but we are not explicitly joining them. They are retained and each suffixed with .x & .y by default, to make them unique.

So, what about these duplicate columns. Do we need them?

Dropping unnecessary columns

With respect to eventID, we’re not really interested in the mapping eventIDs so we can just drop that column from maptag.

maptag <- select(maptag, -eventID)

individual %>%
    by = "individualID"
  ) %>%
  assertr::assert(assertr::not_na, stemDistance, stemAzimuth, pointID)
# A tibble: 14,961 × 19
   uid.x    namedLocation date       eventID domainID siteID plotID individualID
   <chr>    <chr>         <date>     <chr>   <chr>    <chr>  <chr>  <chr>       
 1 a36a162… BART_037.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 2 68dc7ad… BART_037.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 3 a8951ab… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 4 eb348ea… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 5 2a4478e… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 6 e485203… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 7 280c904… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 8 0e5060e… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 9 4918cac… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
10 ef16cb9… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
# ℹ 14,951 more rows
# ℹ 11 more variables: growthForm <chr>, stemDiameter <dbl>,
#   measurementHeight <dbl>, height <dbl>, uid.y <chr>, pointID <dbl>,
#   stemDistance <dbl>, stemAzimuth <dbl>, taxonID <chr>, scientificName <chr>,
#   taxonRank <chr>

Retaining useful metadata

On the other hand, "uid contains unique identifiers for each observation in their respective table and could be useful metadata to store, enabling us to trace the provenance of individual values to the original data. So rather than remove them, let’s retain both uid, one for each table.

We can give more informative suffixes using argument suffix. In our case, I want the individual column to stay as uid and the maptag column to get the suffix _map.

individual %>%
    by = "individualID",
    suffix = c("", "_map")
  ) %>%
  assertr::assert(assertr::not_na, stemDistance, stemAzimuth, pointID)
# A tibble: 14,961 × 19
   uid      namedLocation date       eventID domainID siteID plotID individualID
   <chr>    <chr>         <date>     <chr>   <chr>    <chr>  <chr>  <chr>       
 1 a36a162… BART_037.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 2 68dc7ad… BART_037.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 3 a8951ab… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 4 eb348ea… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 5 2a4478e… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 6 e485203… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 7 280c904… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 8 0e5060e… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 9 4918cac… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
10 ef16cb9… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
# ℹ 14,951 more rows
# ℹ 11 more variables: growthForm <chr>, stemDiameter <dbl>,
#   measurementHeight <dbl>, height <dbl>, uid_map <chr>, pointID <dbl>,
#   stemDistance <dbl>, stemAzimuth <dbl>, taxonID <chr>, scientificName <chr>,
#   taxonRank <chr>


Join vst_perplotperyear.csv

Now let’s carry on and join the perplot data.

First let’s read it in and have a look at the data.

perplot <- readr::read_csv(
  fs::path(raw_data_path, "vst_perplotperyear.csv"),
  show_col_types = FALSE)

# A tibble: 184 × 13
   uid                plotID plotType nlcdClass decimalLatitude decimalLongitude
   <chr>              <chr>  <chr>    <chr>               <dbl>            <dbl>
 1 93ee1436-cdd8-40b… BART_… distrib… deciduou…            44.0            -71.3
 2 4b5f972f-d00f-476… BART_… distrib… deciduou…            44.1            -71.3
 3 66594b70-4db4-400… BART_… distrib… deciduou…            44.1            -71.3
 4 730098e8-30a7-4b7… BART_… distrib… mixedFor…            44.0            -71.3
 5 07c96abe-6d78-481… BART_… distrib… deciduou…            44.1            -71.3
 6 557410ec-351d-434… BART_… distrib… mixedFor…            44.1            -71.3
 7 afc50622-9684-4d6… BART_… distrib… deciduou…            44.0            -71.3
 8 6d597101-9c98-4ba… BART_… distrib… deciduou…            44.0            -71.3
 9 591a2808-5add-407… BART_… distrib… mixedFor…            44.0            -71.3
10 12dbf09b-5f23-4ab… BART_… distrib… mixedFor…            44.1            -71.3
# ℹ 174 more rows
# ℹ 7 more variables: geodeticDatum <chr>, easting <dbl>, northing <dbl>,
#   utmZone <chr>, elevation <dbl>, elevationUncertainty <dbl>, eventID <chr>

Similarly to maptag, we want to exclude eventID and suffix the uid column. This time, however, we will be joining by plotID**

Let’s also move our validation test to the end and add additional columns from perplot we want to check to it, i.e. stemDistance, stemAzimuth, pointID.

perplot <- perplot %>% select(-eventID)

individual %>%
    by = "individualID",
    suffix = c("", "_map")
  ) %>%
    by = c("plotID"),
    suffix = c("", "_ppl")
  ) %>%
    assertr::not_na, decimalLatitude,
    decimalLongitude, plotID, stemDistance, stemAzimuth, pointID
# A tibble: 14,961 × 30
   uid      namedLocation date       eventID domainID siteID plotID individualID
   <chr>    <chr>         <date>     <chr>   <chr>    <chr>  <chr>  <chr>       
 1 a36a162… BART_037.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 2 68dc7ad… BART_037.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 3 a8951ab… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 4 eb348ea… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 5 2a4478e… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 6 e485203… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 7 280c904… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 8 0e5060e… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
 9 4918cac… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
10 ef16cb9… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01      BART   BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
# ℹ 14,951 more rows
# ℹ 22 more variables: growthForm <chr>, stemDiameter <dbl>,
#   measurementHeight <dbl>, height <dbl>, uid_map <chr>, pointID <dbl>,
#   stemDistance <dbl>, stemAzimuth <dbl>, taxonID <chr>, scientificName <chr>,
#   taxonRank <chr>, uid_ppl <chr>, plotType <chr>, nlcdClass <chr>,
#   decimalLatitude <dbl>, decimalLongitude <dbl>, geodeticDatum <chr>,
#   easting <dbl>, northing <dbl>, utmZone <chr>, elevation <dbl>, …

Awesome!! It’s worked! 🎉

Using the assignment pipe

Now that we are happy with our data we can use a new operator, the assignment pipe (%<>%).

This allows us to both pipe an object forward into an expression and also update it with the resulting value.


Note that this operator can have unexpected results if you run the same code multiple times in an interactive session. Use it in scripts that will be run from top to bottom only once.

individual %<>%
    by = "individualID",
    suffix = c("", "_map")
  ) %>%
    by = c("plotID"),
    suffix = c("", "_ppl")
  ) %>%
    assertr::not_na, decimalLatitude,
    decimalLongitude, plotID, stemDistance, stemAzimuth, pointID

Update individual.R

Let’s update our individual.R script again with the additional code we’ve just written for reading in and merging the maptag and perplot data.

Add the following code and comments to individual.R:

# Combine NEON data tables ----
# read in additional tables
maptag <- readr::read_csv(
  show_col_types = FALSE
) %>%

perplot <- readr::read_csv(
  show_col_types = FALSE
) %>%

# Left join tables to individual
individual %<>%
    by = "individualID",
    suffix = c("", "_map")
  ) %>%
    by = "plotID",
    suffix = c("", "_ppl")
  ) %>%
    assertr::not_na, stemDistance, stemAzimuth, pointID,
    decimalLongitude, decimalLatitude, plotID

We can now move on to geolocate our individuals!

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