function_name <- function(arg1, arg2, ...) {
# Function body
# ...
As we’ve mentioned, functions, and especially user built custom functions, are a key feature of R and are a really powerful of reducing code repetition.
Function basics
Functions allow us to:
- incorporate sets of instructions that we want to use repeatedly
- contain complex code in a neat sub-program
- reduce opportunity for errors
- make code more readable
You can do anything with functions that you can do with vectors:
- assign them to variables
- store them in lists
- pass them as arguments to other functions
- create them inside functions
- return them as the result of a function
In general, functions usually:
- accept parameters (arguments) <-
- return value(s) <-
Elements of a function
Here’s a simple skeleton of a function.
Function name
Function names should be as descriptive as possible and follow the same rules as variable names.
They should be concise, should ideally start with a verb and be written in lowercase. If the function name consists of multiple words, it should be separated by an underscore (_
You should avoid using names that are used elsewhere in R, such as dir
, function
, plot
, etc
Arguments are the inputs that a function accepts. They are specified within the parentheses ()
and separated by commas.
Functions can have any number of arguments. These can be any R object: numbers, strings, arrays, data frames, of even pointers to other functions; anything that is needed for the function to run.
Arguments can be of different types, including:
- Required arguments: These are arguments that must be provided when calling the function.
- Default arguments: These are arguments that have a default value and are optional. If not provided, the default value is used.
Again, use descriptive names for arguments.
Function Body
The code between the {}
brackets is the function body and represents the code run every time the function is called.
It can include any valid R code, including assignments, control structures, and other function calls.
Ideally functions are short and do just one thing.
All inputs required for computation in the body must be supplied as arguments.
Simple example
Let’s write a simple function that takes two arguments x
and y
and adds them together.
add <- function(x, y) {
x + y
Let’s test it.
x <- 4
y <- 2
add(x, y)
[1] 6
Cool it works!
Return value
By default, the output of the last line of the code is evaluated is the value that will be returned by the function.
We can override that default by using return
to explicitly specify what is returned.
add <- function(x, y) {
x + y
add(x, y)
It is not necessary that a function return anything, for example a function that makes a plot might not return anything, whereas a function that does a mathematical operation might return a number, or a list.
It is good practice to include documentation comments at the beginning of the function body. This should describe what the function does, what arguments it accepts, and what it returns.
In R, this can be done using roxygen
notation, which is the default method for documenting R code and automatically producing help files in R packages.
Function Environment
Every time a function is called, a new environment is created to host execution.
Each invocation is completely independent of previous ones
Variables used within are local, e.g. their scope lies within - and is limited to - the function itself. They are therefore invisible outside the function body
Objects required by the function will be sought first in the local environment. If an argument specified in the function is missing, it will return an error, even if such an object exists in the global environment.
Objects required by computation but not specified as function arguments will be sought in the containing environment iteratively until it reaches the global environment. This can be a source of bugs when developing with an untidy global environment.
b <- 10
f2 <- function(a) {
a + b
f2(a = 10)
[1] 20
rm(b) # remove object b
f2(a = 10)
Error in f2(a = 10): object 'b' not found
Solution: always make sure any required variables are passed as arguments to your functions.
Creating our user-built functions
Back to our data preprocessing.
Now that we’ve got all the information required in a single tibble, we can build a function that can use that information to calculate and return the latitude and longitude for each individual.
We can use function destPoint
form package geosphere
to calculate the destination latitude and longitude from a given starting point, the distance travelled and the direction (bearing) travelled in.
I our case:
- the distance travelled is equivalent to
. - the direction or bearing is equivalent to
. = the starting point is given bydecimalLatitude
Now, let’s write a function that takes these columns as inputs and returns the latitude and longitude of the location of our individuals.
Storing and sourcing functions
Functions should be defined in separate .R
file(s) and stored in the R/
directory in the root of any project.
Function file(s) should be sourced at the beginning of your analysis script to make the functions available for use.
We can use function usethis::use_r()
to create scripts in R/
. Let’s create a new one to start working on our function. Let’s call the script containing iur function geolocate.R
✔ Setting active project to 'R/'
✔ Creating 'R/geolocate.R' • Modify
This creates the required R/
directory if it doesn’t already exist, creates a new R script named geolocate.R
within it and launches it for editing all in one go! Nice.
Now before we begin writing our function, let’s test destPoint
out. To do that, let’s subset a single row from individual
and use it to test out the function.
We need to supply a vector of length two, containing the starting longitude and latitude to argument p
We pass stemAzimuth
to argument b
(for bearing) and stemDistance
to argument d
(for distance).
x <- individual[1, ]
p = c(x$decimalLongitude, x$decimalLatitude),
b = x$stemAzimuth, d = x$stemDistance
lon lat
[1,] -71.28333 44.06151
This looks like it’s working nicely. Let’s also check that it vectorises properly, i.e. that if we give it vectors of values instead of single ones that it works as expected.
x <- individual[1:5, ]
p = c(x$decimalLongitude, x$decimalLatitude),
b = x$stemAzimuth, d = x$stemDistance
Error in .pointsToMatrix(p): Wrong length for a vector, should be 2
It looks like it doesn’t work by jsut combining longitude and latitude vectors. We need to find a way to vectorise it. To do so, instead of passing values of decimalLongitude
and decimalLongitude
combined into one long vector with c()
to p
, we can use cbind()
instead to pass a matrix with two columns, one for each coordinate.
p = cbind(x$decimalLongitude, x$decimalLatitude),
b = x$stemAzimuth, d = x$stemDistance
lon lat
[1,] -71.28333 44.06151
[2,] -71.28325 44.06165
[3,] -71.28419 44.06109
[4,] -71.28424 44.06096
[5,] -71.28409 44.06103
Excellent! I now get a two dimensional matrix of with two columns and a row for each input element! This is looking promising.
We’re ready to start writing our function.
Developing our own functions
Let’s start by using a handy feature in Rstudio, code snippets. Code snippets are text macros that are used for quickly inserting common snippets of code.
To initiate the creation of any function in RStudio, we can start by typing fun
. Rstudio’s auto-complete should then propose the function creation snippet.
Press Return
to accept the snippet which creates the following template:
name <- function(variables) {
First lets start with a descriptive name:
get_stem_location <- function(variables) {
Let’s add our arguments:
get_stem_location <- function(decimalLongitude, decimalLatitude,
stemAzimuth, stemDistance) {
Finally, let’s populate the body our our function:
Let’s also convert the output to a tibble, for better printing.
Note, I’m using the base pipe |>
here, as it does not require any packages to be loaded to work.
Now let’s test it out with vectors from individual
test <- get_stem_location(
x$decimalLongitude, x$decimalLatitude,
x$stemAzimuth, x$stemDistance
# A tibble: 5 × 2
lon lat
<dbl> <dbl>
1 -71.3 44.1
2 -71.3 44.1
3 -71.3 44.1
4 -71.3 44.1
5 -71.3 44.1
Looks like it works nicely!
Defensive programming in functions
Our function seems to be working correctly but it’s good to incorporate runtime checks, especially on our inputs and outputs.
For example, if we supply a character vector to our function by mistake, our function won’t work.
We can add concise checks using the suite of functions in package checkmate
One such function is assert_numeric()
This checks whether the object we give it is numeric.
If the check is successful, it returns the object invisibly. If the check is not successful, it throws an error.
Error: Assertion on 'x$uid' failed: Must be of type 'numeric', not 'character'.
There are two other versions, test_numeric
which returns FALSE
if the check is not successful, and check_numeric
which returns a string with the error message. We want to throw an error and stop execution so we use assert_numeric
Let’s add a validation check for each argument in our function.
get_stem_location <- function(decimalLongitude, decimalLatitude,
stemAzimuth, stemDistance) {
# input validation checks
p = cbind(decimalLongitude, decimalLatitude),
b = stemAzimuth, d = stemDistance
) %>%
Let’s also add a check to our output.
Let’s throw a warning if there are any NA
values in our output.
First we store our output so we can evaluate it.
get_stem_location <- function(decimalLongitude, decimalLatitude,
stemAzimuth, stemDistance) {
# input validation checks
out <- geosphere::destPoint(
p = cbind(decimalLongitude, decimalLatitude),
b = stemAzimuth, d = stemDistance
) %>%
Next we can add our check:
We can check the whole tibble for NA
s in one go. We get a 2 dimensional matrix of logical values.
lon lat
We can then wrap the output of that in any()
which tests whether there are any TRUE
values in a logical array.
Let’s apply that to our function and use checkmate::assert_false
to assrt our expectation.
get_stem_location <- function(decimalLongitude, decimalLatitude,
stemAzimuth, stemDistance) {
# input validation checks
out <- geosphere::destPoint(
p = cbind(decimalLongitude, decimalLatitude),
b = stemAzimuth, d = stemDistance
) %>%
# check output for NAs
Lastly, we need to return our actual output!
We’ll add a return()
statement to do that.
get_stem_location <- function(decimalLongitude, decimalLatitude,
stemAzimuth, stemDistance) {
# input validation checks
out <- geosphere::destPoint(
p = cbind(decimalLongitude, decimalLatitude),
b = stemAzimuth, d = stemDistance
) %>%
# check output for NAs
Let’s test it again:
x$decimalLongitude, x$decimalLatitude,
x$stemAzimuth, x$stemDistance
# A tibble: 5 × 2
lon lat
<dbl> <dbl>
1 -71.3 44.1
2 -71.3 44.1
3 -71.3 44.1
4 -71.3 44.1
5 -71.3 44.1
Add documentation
Finally, we can add documentation to our function using roxygen
notation. This should describe what the function does, what arguments it accepts, and what it returns.
To insert a roxygen skeleton, we can place the cursor anywhere within the function definition and press Alt + Ctrl + Shift + R
(Windows/Linux) or Cmd + Shift + Option + R
(Mac) or select Code > Insert Roxygen Skeleton from the In RStudio drop down menu:
#' Title
#' @param decimalLongitude
#' @param decimalLatitude
#' @param stemAzimuth
#' @param stemDistance
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
get_stem_location <- function(decimalLongitude, decimalLatitude,
stemAzimuth, stemDistance) {
# input validation checks
out <- geosphere::destPoint(
p = cbind(decimalLongitude, decimalLatitude),
b = stemAzimuth, d = stemDistance
) %>%
# check output for NAs
This inserts a template for the documentation of the function. We can now fill in the title, definition of our arguments through @param
and return value through @return
Let’s just delete the @examples
and @return
section and complete the rest of the fields:
- Title: A brief description of what the function does.
- @param: A description of each argument the function accepts.
- @return: A description of what the function returns.
#' Calculate the location of a stem based on azimuth and distance
#' @param decimalLongitude numeric vector of decimal longitudes
#' @param decimalLatitude numeric vector of decimal latitudes
#' @param stemAzimuth numeric vector of stem azimuths
#' @param stemDistance numeric vector of stem distances
#' @return A tibble of pairs of coordinates
get_stem_location <- function(decimalLongitude, decimalLatitude,
stemAzimuth, stemDistance) {
# input validation checks
out <- geosphere::destPoint(
p = cbind(decimalLongitude, decimalLatitude),
b = stemAzimuth, d = stemDistance
) %>%
# check output for NAs
Adding this documentation will make it easier for others (and ourselves) to understand what the function does and how to use it.
And now, remove any excess code from our script and save.
Our function is now ready to be sourced and made available for use in our last preprocessing stage, adding the new stemLat
and stemLon
columns. 🎉.
Sourcing our function in individual.R
Let’s move back to our individual.R
At the top of our script, let’s add the code to source our function so it’s available during preprocessing:
Adding stem geolocation to individual
Making new variables with mutate
Now we want to use data in individual
to geolocate our individuals while at the same time create two new columns stemLat
and stemLon
For this we use dplyr::mutate()
. This function is used to modify or add new variables to a data frame.
We also need to extract the appropriate coordinate for each column from the output of get_stem_location()
. We do that by using the $
subsetting operation after we call get_stem_location()
individual %>% mutate(
stemLat = get_stem_location(
decimalLongitude, decimalLatitude,
stemAzimuth, stemDistance
stemLon = get_stem_location(
decimalLongitude, decimalLatitude,
stemAzimuth, stemDistance
# A tibble: 14,961 × 32
uid namedLocation date eventID domainID siteID plotID individualID
<chr> <chr> <date> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 a36a162… BART_037.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01 BART BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
2 68dc7ad… BART_037.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01 BART BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
3 a8951ab… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01 BART BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
4 eb348ea… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01 BART BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
5 2a4478e… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01 BART BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
6 e485203… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01 BART BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
7 280c904… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01 BART BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
8 0e5060e… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01 BART BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
9 4918cac… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01 BART BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
10 ef16cb9… BART_044.bas… 2015-08-26 vst_BA… D01 BART BART_… NEON.PLA.D0…
# ℹ 14,951 more rows
# ℹ 24 more variables: growthForm <chr>, stemDiameter <dbl>,
# measurementHeight <dbl>, height <dbl>, uid_map <chr>, pointID <dbl>,
# stemDistance <dbl>, stemAzimuth <dbl>, taxonID <chr>, scientificName <chr>,
# taxonRank <chr>, uid_ppl <chr>, plotType <chr>, nlcdClass <chr>,
# decimalLatitude <dbl>, decimalLongitude <dbl>, geodeticDatum <chr>,
# easting <dbl>, northing <dbl>, utmZone <chr>, elevation <dbl>, …
It works! We’re almost done with our data munging!
Lets *assign the output back to individual
individual <- individual %>%
stemLat = get_stem_location(
decimalLongitude, decimalLatitude,
stemAzimuth, stemDistance
stemLon = get_stem_location(
decimalLongitude, decimalLatitude,
stemAzimuth, stemDistance
Let’s do a couple last sanity checks:
spc_tbl_ [14,961 × 32] (S3: spec_tbl_df/tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
$ uid : chr [1:14961] "a36a162d-ed1f-4f80-ae45-88e973855c68" "68dc7adf-48e2-4f7a-9272-9a468fde6d55" "a8951ab9-4462-48dd-ab9e-7b89e24f2e03" "eb348eaf-3969-46a4-ac3b-523c3548efeb" ...
$ namedLocation : chr [1:14961] "BART_037.basePlot.vst" "BART_037.basePlot.vst" "BART_044.basePlot.vst" "BART_044.basePlot.vst" ...
$ date : Date[1:14961], format: "2015-08-26" "2015-08-26" ...
$ eventID : chr [1:14961] "vst_BART_2015" "vst_BART_2015" "vst_BART_2015" "vst_BART_2015" ...
$ domainID : chr [1:14961] "D01" "D01" "D01" "D01" ...
$ siteID : chr [1:14961] "BART" "BART" "BART" "BART" ...
$ plotID : chr [1:14961] "BART_037" "BART_037" "BART_044" "BART_044" ...
$ individualID : chr [1:14961] "NEON.PLA.D01.BART.05285" "NEON.PLA.D01.BART.05279" "NEON.PLA.D01.BART.05419" "NEON.PLA.D01.BART.05092" ...
$ growthForm : chr [1:14961] "single bole tree" "single bole tree" "single bole tree" "single bole tree" ...
$ stemDiameter : num [1:14961] 17.1 13.7 12.3 12.1 29.2 12.1 23.4 39.5 10 10.6 ...
$ measurementHeight : num [1:14961] 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 ...
$ height : num [1:14961] 15.2 9.8 7.7 15.2 16.7 10.6 18.4 19 5.7 8.7 ...
$ uid_map : chr [1:14961] "31c5ffdb-25cb-474c-b34b-c88ddf520dc2" "a59c6688-ef88-46bb-979d-ba23b6e84d1a" "64a921b6-ce50-442e-8811-40e6c086c99e" "f6cba56b-b14f-42e0-ab20-06e2bfa216d2" ...
$ pointID : num [1:14961] 61 41 23 57 57 23 57 41 57 57 ...
$ stemDistance : num [1:14961] 11.3 6.1 12 11.5 19 7 7.4 6.4 12.7 15.1 ...
$ stemAzimuth : num [1:14961] 212.1 4 62.1 140.8 93 ...
$ taxonID : chr [1:14961] "ACRU" "FAGR" "TSCA" "FAGR" ...
$ scientificName : chr [1:14961] "Acer rubrum L." "Fagus grandifolia Ehrh." "Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carrière" "Fagus grandifolia Ehrh." ...
$ taxonRank : chr [1:14961] "species" "species" "species" "species" ...
$ uid_ppl : chr [1:14961] "5ac133b6-1089-4f32-9c26-27c3fd6b2597" "5ac133b6-1089-4f32-9c26-27c3fd6b2597" "c4207c9a-028a-4a26-a4ee-5d1a70df1e66" "c4207c9a-028a-4a26-a4ee-5d1a70df1e66" ...
$ plotType : chr [1:14961] "tower" "tower" "tower" "tower" ...
$ nlcdClass : chr [1:14961] "deciduousForest" "deciduousForest" "deciduousForest" "deciduousForest" ...
$ decimalLatitude : num [1:14961] 44.1 44.1 44.1 44.1 44.1 ...
$ decimalLongitude : num [1:14961] -71.3 -71.3 -71.3 -71.3 -71.3 ...
$ geodeticDatum : chr [1:14961] "WGS84" "WGS84" "WGS84" "WGS84" ...
$ easting : num [1:14961] 317130 317130 317042 317042 317042 ...
$ northing : num [1:14961] 4881249 4881249 4881189 4881189 4881189 ...
$ utmZone : chr [1:14961] "19N" "19N" "19N" "19N" ...
$ elevation : num [1:14961] 292 292 303 303 303 ...
$ elevationUncertainty: num [1:14961] 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 ...
$ stemLat : num [1:14961] 44.1 44.1 44.1 44.1 44.1 ...
$ stemLon : num [1:14961] -71.3 -71.3 -71.3 -71.3 -71.3 ...
- attr(*, "spec")=List of 3
..$ cols :List of 12
.. ..$ uid : list()
.. .. ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "collector_character" "collector"
.. ..$ namedLocation : list()
.. .. ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "collector_character" "collector"
.. ..$ date :List of 1
.. .. ..$ format: chr ""
.. .. ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "collector_date" "collector"
.. ..$ eventID : list()
.. .. ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "collector_character" "collector"
.. ..$ domainID : list()
.. .. ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "collector_character" "collector"
.. ..$ siteID : list()
.. .. ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "collector_character" "collector"
.. ..$ plotID : list()
.. .. ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "collector_character" "collector"
.. ..$ individualID : list()
.. .. ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "collector_character" "collector"
.. ..$ growthForm : list()
.. .. ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "collector_character" "collector"
.. ..$ stemDiameter : list()
.. .. ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "collector_double" "collector"
.. ..$ measurementHeight: list()
.. .. ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "collector_double" "collector"
.. ..$ height : list()
.. .. ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "collector_double" "collector"
..$ default: list()
.. ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "collector_guess" "collector"
..$ delim : chr ","
..- attr(*, "class")= chr "col_spec"
- attr(*, "problems")=<externalptr>
And save our individual.R
Saving analytical data
At the bottom of individual.R
there is some template code, usethis::use_data("individual")
✔ Setting active project to
Error in `check_is_package()`:
ℹ use_data() (`?usethis::use_data`) is designed to work with packages.
✖ Project "rrresearch-acce-rrse" is not an R package.
This functions invokes functionality to store an R object as an .Rdata
binary file (i.e. as a tibble not a csv
) in the data
directory. This is the standard way to store exported data in packages but given it’s an R specific format, it is less FAIR than if we saved the data as a simple csv.
is also designed to be used in packages and doesn’t work outside that context.
Let’s just get rid of it and instead, save our analytic data as a csv in our data
directory instead.
First lets create a data directory.
Now were ready to write or data out.
Before we do so, I will add one last touch. I would like to get rid of a pet hate of mine, and that’s camelCase
variable names!
In general, it’s more common to use snake_case
for names in R.
To do this I use a handy function clean_names()
in package janitor
which will check and clean column names and convert them to snake case !
individual %>%
# A tibble: 14,961 × 32
uid named_location date event_id domain_id site_id plot_id
<chr> <chr> <date> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 a36a162d-ed1f-4… BART_037.base… 2015-08-26 vst_BAR… D01 BART BART_0…
2 68dc7adf-48e2-4… BART_037.base… 2015-08-26 vst_BAR… D01 BART BART_0…
3 a8951ab9-4462-4… BART_044.base… 2015-08-26 vst_BAR… D01 BART BART_0…
4 eb348eaf-3969-4… BART_044.base… 2015-08-26 vst_BAR… D01 BART BART_0…
5 2a4478ef-5970-4… BART_044.base… 2015-08-26 vst_BAR… D01 BART BART_0…
6 e485203e-879e-4… BART_044.base… 2015-08-26 vst_BAR… D01 BART BART_0…
7 280c9049-1915-4… BART_044.base… 2015-08-26 vst_BAR… D01 BART BART_0…
8 0e5060ec-a6d8-4… BART_044.base… 2015-08-26 vst_BAR… D01 BART BART_0…
9 4918cac0-62fb-4… BART_044.base… 2015-08-26 vst_BAR… D01 BART BART_0…
10 ef16cb9c-0b68-4… BART_044.base… 2015-08-26 vst_BAR… D01 BART BART_0…
# ℹ 14,951 more rows
# ℹ 25 more variables: individual_id <chr>, growth_form <chr>,
# stem_diameter <dbl>, measurement_height <dbl>, height <dbl>, uid_map <chr>,
# point_id <dbl>, stem_distance <dbl>, stem_azimuth <dbl>, taxon_id <chr>,
# scientific_name <chr>, taxon_rank <chr>, uid_ppl <chr>, plot_type <chr>,
# nlcd_class <chr>, decimal_latitude <dbl>, decimal_longitude <dbl>,
# geodetic_datum <chr>, easting <dbl>, northing <dbl>, utm_zone <chr>, …
Now, with that final tweak, let’s add the readr::write_csv
function to save our data as individual.csv
into the data
individual %>%
janitor::clean_names() %>%
readr::write_csv(here::here("data", "individual.csv"))
Final processing script:
This what our final data-raw/individual.R
script should look like:
## code to prepare `individual` dataset goes here
## Setup
source(here::here("R", "geolocate.R"))
## Combine individual tables ----
# Create paths to inputs
raw_data_path <- here::here("data-raw", "wood-survey-data-master")
individual_paths <- fs::dir_ls(fs::path(raw_data_path, "individual"))
# read in all individual tables into one
individual <- purrr::map(
~ readr::read_csv(
file = .x,
col_types = readr::cols(.default = "c"),
show_col_types = FALSE
) %>%
purrr::list_rbind() %>%
individual %>%
readr::write_csv(file = fs::path(raw_data_path, "vst_individuals.csv"))
# Combine NEON data tables ----
# read in additional table
maptag <- readr::read_csv(
show_col_types = FALSE
) %>%
perplot <- readr::read_csv(
show_col_types = FALSE
) %>%
# Left join tables to individual
individual %<>%
by = "individualID",
suffix = c("", "_map")
) %>%
by = "plotID",
suffix = c("", "_ppl")
) %>%
assertr::not_na, stemDistance, stemAzimuth, pointID,
decimalLongitude, decimalLatitude, plotID
# ---- Geolocate individuals_functions ----
individual <- individual %>%
stemLat = get_stem_location(
decimalLongitude = decimalLongitude,
decimalLatitude = decimalLatitude,
stemAzimuth = stemAzimuth,
stemDistance = stemDistance
stemLon = get_stem_location(
decimalLongitude = decimalLongitude,
decimalLatitude = decimalLatitude,
stemAzimuth = stemAzimuth,
stemDistance = stemDistance
# create data directory
# write out analytic file
individual %>%
janitor::clean_names() %>%
readr::write_csv(here::here("data", "individual.csv"))
Final function script:
and this is what our final R/geolocate.R
should look like:
#' Calculate the location of a stem based on azimuth and distance
#' @param decimalLongitude numeric vector of decimal longitudes
#' @param decimalLatitude numeric vector of decimal latitudes
#' @param stemAzimuth numeric vector of stem azimuths
#' @param stemDistance numeric vector of stem distances
#' @return A tibble of pairs of coordinates
get_stem_location <- function(decimalLongitude, decimalLatitude,
stemAzimuth, stemDistance) {
# input validation checks
out <- geosphere::destPoint(
p = cbind(decimalLongitude, decimalLatitude),
b = stemAzimuth,
d = stemDistance
) |>
# check output for NAs
Run the preprocessing script
Our individual.R
preprocessing script is now complete and represents a clean reproducible workflow for processing our raw data into a single analytical data set.
So let’s clean our environment and run the entire script, from top to bottom, to ensure everytyhing works and to generate our final data set.